xiaomi SU7
768 tickets left out of 800
SU7 Draw
Powered by Mycelium Gear

The draw will go live after the last ticket has been sold. The participants are personally able to verify the results, see below for details. The winner will be announced on this page and in the Mycelium Wallet app the day the last ticket is sold.
Draw Method

All the tickets purchased have its own index number, or ticket number (from 1 to 800), and a unique corresponding hash (bitcoin transaction hash). Anyone can determine the winner by following these steps:

  1. Take the transaction hash of the 800th ticket purchased (index number 800).
  2. Extract the first three digits following the second digit (meaning you start from the third digit) of that hash.
  3. If the resulting number exceeds 799, shift the reference point to the right by one digit until a suitable number is found in the range from 001 to 799.
  4. Use this number to select the next index number from the purchased tickets list, take its hash, and repeat the procedure. If it results in a number of an already used hash, shift the reference point one digit to the right.
  5. Repeat the procedure 76 times (from step one, when you took the 800th hash and found the number of the second index out of 77 total repetitions you need to make). If the resulting number falls on an already used hash, or the hash lacks a number meeting the criteria (i.e., all combinations of digits exceed 799), use the hash of the next index from the list. If this hash has been used or does not meet the conditions, use the hash of the previous transaction. This sequence of actions is maintained until a transaction hash that meets all the requirements is identified. If it is no longer possible to shift in one direction (you reach the first or the eight hundredth transaction), then shift in the direction where unused hashes are available. Example: if the hash of the ticket number 144 does not meet the given conditions, check the hash of the ticket number 145. If it does not meet the criteria, move to the hash of the ticket number 143, and so on.
  6. The number obtained as a result of a valid (not requiring a shift to hashes of adjacent transactions) 77th repetition determines the index number of the winning ticket. We take the corresponding hash, and find the first three digits starting from the eleventh numeric position (so before the first digit of a target index number there are ten digits). This number becomes the winner's index/ticket number.
  7. It is important to note that there are no tickets indexed/numbered above 800.
  8. Suppose there is a situation where all hashes have been tried and the last one reached has no digits other than 8 and 9, the winning index number is the number consisting of the last two digits of the hash.
Example of finding a winner. The format of target numbers - 001, 009, 099. We take the hash of a ticket # 800: 5bb347daa501cdf0b.... The next ticket number to use the hash of - 475. Then we repeat this procedure 76 more times. Suppose the 77th hash is: f65f75b66dce9f12c3a8fd94a310e.. Starting from the 11th position in the hash, we see that the first digit is 8, the next is 9, which does not fit, as there are no tickets with numbers higher than 800 or starting with 9. Therefore, we shift further to the right and determine that the winner has the number 431, considering that for small numbers, a leading zero is used (for example, 009 for ticket number 9).
Where can I find my ticket number?
Every transaction out of 800 transactions corresponds to a unique ticket number. For example, if 134 tickets were sold before your purchase, your ticket number would be 135. Also, after purchasing your ticket, we send you a confirmation email with your your number and a corresponding hash. You can see the list of all tickets and find yours by the hash of your transaction. If you don't see the hash of your transaction on the list, it means that all the tickets were sold, and number of your transaction is beyond 800. Your funds will be returned. If that's your case, please contact us.
How does shipping work?
You would need to provide your shipping information, and our logistics broker will take care of the shipment. Shipping costs are fully covered. However, it's important to note that any additional expenses, including customs clearance, local taxes, duties, and other fees are the responsibility of the winner.
How will I be contacted if I win?
If you are the winner we will contact you via email. You can also drop us а message if you figure out that you are the lucky one before we contact you. Our email is:
Can I receive the prize in BTC instead of a car?
Yes, you have the option to receive your prize in BTC. However, it should be noted that a non-refundable deposit for the car, which amounts to 5% of its value, will be deducted from the total.
Сan I refund or return the purchased ticket?
No, once the ticket is purchased there will be no refund, return, or exchange under any circumstances.
Contact information
You can reach out to us at our official email address -